I recently ran across a bit of very interesting research regarding the effects of regularly reading to a child in the home. Researchers at the University of South Australia found that early primary-aged children who had suffered abuse or neglect would actually develop resilience if they were being read to at home. Researchers report that while reading to children at home has always been associated with school readiness and better scholastic outcomes, this is the first study to show how reading serves to mitigate some of the detrimental trajectories of childhood maltreatment. This research reminds us that all of us should be reading to our children, even from the time they are born. Reading allows us to spend time with them, to educate them, and to prepare them to read on their own. Reading is also an important element in Christian education. We recommend that you start by regularly reading aloud from Sally Lloyd Jones’ Jesus Storybook Bible. What a great way to spend time with your kids!
The Need to Read
June 3, 2022