Today we’re continuing to look at marketing’s powerful influence on children and teens. The glut of advertising to kids can lead them to understand life in economic terms. Each and every one of us, including our kids, has been created by God, for God, and to be in a relationship with God, living His will and His way under his reign. But advertising consistently sends the message that “it’s all about you.” Consequently our kids get it all wrong regarding who should reside at the center of their worldview and who should be in control of their lives. In addition, marketing’s materialistic messages have led to the virtue of compassion being replaced by competition. God calls us to self-sacrificing lives of compassion. The message of today’s market-driven world is the exact opposite. Instead of looking out for others, we are to look out for number one. In this kind of world we are most concerned about our selves. And that’s a shame.
The Power of Marketing 4
December 19, 2024