Researchers at the CDC recently surveyed more than fourteen thousand high school and middle school students about their use of e-cigarettes. The good news is that between 2019 and 2020 the number of students who say they have used an e-cigarette have dropped significantly. In 2019, over twenty-seven percent of high schoolers reported using an e-cigarette. That number dropped to twenty percent in 2020. Among middle schoolers, the number dropped from over ten percent in 2019, to five percent in 2020. It seems that education, legislation, and enforcement are working. But far too many kids are still using e-cigarettes. Researchers are right to sound the warning that e-cigarette use is a gateway to worse health habits as adults, including moving to conventional tobacco cigarettes. In fact, researchers have found that many who use e-cigarettes at age twelve, have made that switch by age fourteen. Parents, warn your kids about the physical and spiritual dangers of substance abuse.
Trends in E-Cig Use
July 30, 2021