Have you ever thought about how and why we make the decisions we make? Every decision we make is based on some authority. Same thing goes for our kids. It’s highly likely that your kids rely unconsciously on some combination of authorities including peers, family, the media, and their feelings. While all of these authorities can lead us in the right direction and to good decisions, there is one primary authority we are called to live in conscious submission to. It’s the authority of the One who formed us, made us, and desires us to find our rightful place in life in a relationship with Him. Perhaps the greatest parental responsibility we have is to teach – through our words and example – that all of life is to be lived under the authority of God. Our own eyes, ears, and lives must be focused on Jesus, who said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me”, and on God’s revelation of Himself in the Bible. In many ways, this is the secret to a Godly life.
Under Whose Authority?
December 26, 2022