When to Talk to Kids About Sex and Gender

Parents, what sexual script are your kids following as they learn how to live out matters of sex and gender? You see, whoever speaks first to a child on these matters sets the bar for truth. When we teach God’s good order and design for sex and gender, our kids will be better equipped to discern the errors of the cultural narrative. Not surprisingly, many of our kids are learning about sex and gender through their smartphone screens. An new study from the University of Georgia questioned students ages twelve to seventeen, and found that about fifteen percent had sent a sext to someone, and about twenty five percent had received a sext. About fifty percent of those surveyed indicated they had been exposed to pornography, the first time, on average, during sixth grade. Parents, its not a matter of if, but when. Because we want our kids to know and live the truth on sex and gender, we need to have ongoing conversations with our kids about biblical sexuality. Remember, the culture is speaking to them 24/7.