Should Phones Be Banned in School?
In his recent book, “The Anxious Generaton,” social psychologist Jonathan Haidt recommends that our schools ban smartphones. It’s a common-sense move that at the very least would answer the concerns of just all about all teachers regarding how smartphone presence…
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Hypocritical Parents and Their Devices
“I had a simple rule for my kid. I now realize what a hypocrite I am.” That’s the headline over an article about kids and device usage written by Molly Mulshine, a young mother of a one-year-old. Mulshine begins by…
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Teen Smartphone Driving Dangers
The other day I was driving down our local interstate highway and I found myself stuck behind a car that wouldn’t move out of the left lane. The driver was not only driving under the speed limit, but drifted to…
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Family TableTalk – Conversation 105
The Filling and Spilling of Your Mind Download Conversation 105 here. Check back regularly for new conversations.
Several decades ago, media and communication theorist Marshal McLuhan was warning us that the technological tools we create and embrace have long-term effects that are not always positive. He said, “first we shape our tools, and then our tools shape…
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