For this blog entry, I’d like to step out of the normal routine of talking about culture, faith, and life, to talking about CPYU. Tuesday of this week will be a day to look back and say “thank you.” Wednesday is a day to look ahead with great expectation. June 30 is the end of our CPYU fiscal year. We close the books on the previous twelve months. For me, it’s always been a time to ponder what great things our faithful God has done for us and through us during the previous year. This year is no exception. We’re a bit behind budget, but that has not stopped us from doing what we’ve been called, charged, and equipped to do. CPYU continues to provide up-to-date information and analysis on contemporary youth culture from a distinctively Christian perspective. The year has flown by, but it’s been a great ride.

On Wednesday, we open the curtain on another year. July 1 of this year is especially significant as it marks the beginning of our 20th year in ministry. I can hardly believe that CPYU has been around for two decades! I continue to marvel at what God has done in spite of us. As in past years, I’m not at all sure what lies ahead during the next twelve months. It’s always a surprise. I do know that in just a couple of months we will be announcing another new resource from CPYU.

So today, as I think about CPYU, who we are, where we’ve come from, and where we are going, I want offer gratitude to God. In addition, I also want to say thanks to all of you who have used our resources, supported us financially, and kept us in your prayers.

It’s my hope that we would continue to keep our single-minded focus here at CPYU. That said, could I ask you to pause and pray for us today? Thanks.

Soli Deo Gloria

3 thoughts on “Almost 20! . . .

  1. Walt,
    Congratulations for your 20 year anniversary! That’s wonderful.

    In NZ, we rely a lot of what is produced in the States, of course we then need to think through of how that relates to New Zealand culture, HOWEVER, thanks to pop culture, not much translating is really needing to be done!

    When I was studying at Theological College, I would use your site and resources often for essays. And now as a youth worker, I often head to your site to read up on the latest.

    So, thanks from “down under” for your ongoing commitment to helping us understand the world of the young people whom we are blessed to walk alongside and support, but not only them, their families too.

    Blessings to you and your team as you reflect on the year been, and create vision for the year ahead.


  2. Happy 20th year!! It has been 20 years of faithful service from which many of us have greatly benefitted!! Thank you, Walt and the crew! Praise God from whom all blessings flow…

  3. Happy 20th! I’m perousing the website for your organization and I think its purpose is great. Here’s to twenty more years, God willing.

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