It’s now been 20-plus-years since I took the challenge from a small group of parents of some of my suburban-Philly youth group kids to “help us understand the world of our kids.” To be honest, my knees knocked at their request as I was much more comfortable spending time with their kids than I ever was communicating with them. But I am forever grateful to those parents for pushing back at my timidity and lack of confidence until I yielded and said “yes.” What started as a feeble attempt to share the world of late-80s youth culture with a group of concerned parents who were feeling left behind eventually grew into a full-on call from God and what has until now, been twenty-plus years of doing the same with the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding. God does, indeed, work in mysterious ways!
Today, I’m happy to announce the launch of another seminar in our growing arsenal of information and analysis on contemporary youth culture. This one is solely for parents. Youth workers, grandparents, and others are more than welcome to sit in and to learn, but “No Parent Left Behind” serves as a three-hour introduction for parents on the fast-changing world of their children and teens. Divided into three segments, “No Parent Left Behind” covers these topics:
Session 1 – KNOW YOUR TEEN – You’ll learn how kids grow, develop, and change, along with how the teenage years leave them especially vulnerable to cultural influences.
Session 2 – KNOW THEIR WORLD – You’ll learn about some of the major cultural forces in today’s world that are influencing children and teens.
Session 3 – KNOW YOUR ROLE – You’ll get hope-filled and practical guidance on how to increase your parental influence and lead your kids to a spiritually, physically, and emotionally healthy adulthood.
I’ve worked long and hard on putting this one together. We’ve test-run it at a couple of churches over the past several months and the response has been outstanding. Now, we’re launching it and excited to see what God will do with our efforts.
If you’d like more information on “No Parent Left Behind,” or if you’d like to book a seminar (the sooner the better as fall dates are filling up fast), click here. I would love to help you equip your parents to do and be their best as parents leading and raising kids through today’s youth culture!
You can also download a copy of the “No Parent Left Behind” flyer here.