There’s something that I really like about Alecia Moore. . . aka Pink. She’s not afraid to expose her insides, she’s not afraid to tackle the tough stuff, and she’s not afraid to show the rest of us what it’s like to be a part of the rapidly growing demographic known as broken and hurting kids. I know that she scares alot of people. I would love to sit down with her to simply listen to her tell her story. I’ve been drawn to the stories in her music since she first burst onto the scene years ago. As someone who studies youth culture, she’s my go-to girl whenever I’m looking for a music video or lyrics that reflect the world of the young.
Her latest song is “F___ing Perfect.” I’ve embedded the video below. . . the “clean” version. While many might not like it, the full-on version is the best. It’s raw and gets the point across. I’ve shown it in a few places and it’s powerful. Still, the version below is compelling and eye-opening.
Reality is sometimes very, very ugly. Just like we need to watch the images coming to us from post-tsunami Japan, these are images we need to lock our eyes on as well. Our ears need to listen, too.
In a week, several hundred youth workers, parents, counselors, pastors, and teachers will be gathering in Pittsburgh for our Hope and Healing for Broken Kids one-day seminar with Marv Penner and Rich Van Pelt. It’s a day of intense – yet hope-filled and practical training. Last year, I watched 500 pairs of eyes and ears gathered for the Hope and Healing for Broken Kids seminar lock on to Marv and Rich as they took us into the same world that Pink is helping us see. I love the fact that there are Biblical answers and that Marv and Rich aren’t afraid to make them known.
If you can get to Western PA next Saturday, April 9th, I encourage you to do so. Make an investment in the lives of the kids you know and love by plugging in to this great training. We’ve still got room. You can get more info and register here.
I love P!nk… I always have (even when I wanted to shake her by the shoulders and tell her to get her act together). I’m so glad you see her worth and deem her messages as worthy. I have her music on my ipod and I allow my girls ages 10-14 to have it on theirs as well. We talk to our girls all the time about everything… while Pink might be a positive influence, it’s as much because of what she’s survived and where she’s come from as much as it is her awareness messages and her stance on social ills. I’m not saying I agree with how she goes about everything, but I understand her and understand that her business is still show business. Thanks for lifting her up and talking about her work. And as always, I’m loving your blog. Thanks, Walt.
Indeed, students in my ministry are deeply wounded. Praise God for those who chose to start a new life in Jesus.
There’s such a deep truth (and a lie) in this video. As I watched it, I just wished there were Christian artists (more like producers) who were willing to go to dark places and bring light.
I’m reminded of two commentaries on Christian music. First, I remember Bono calling Christian music “largely, a lie” in an interview with Bill Hybels. He said it wasn’t popular because it often painted a picture of a life that doesn’t really exist. Second, Craig Gross was hanging with Ron Jeremy (yeah, the porn star) who said he LOVED Christian music because it was so happy. Interesting dichotomy there!
Walt, I read your blog and watched the video (without the sound) after reading the lyrics. I was struck by the similarities with the young lady’s struggles and my life and began to question how these experiences are going to reflect on my own daughter’s life. It is interesting that we say this video is “new’ but I have been out of school for 15 years and this video could have been made then and still have been relevant. My heart breaks for the young women and girls in our world who hide these feelings day in and day out as they long to be “perfect” as the world portrays it. I used to be one of those and still struggle with that desire on a regular basis even as a 32 year old woman. And yes, guys I know you struggle too and its not right for you either. Thanks Walt for taking the time to post this. Megan D-P
Wow…the opposite camera angle/viewer point between the “original” and “clean” version was striking.