If you’re raising or working with girls, you know that body image pressure is epidemic in our culture. Sadly, it’s resulted in a situation where disordered eating and an unhealthy obsession with appearance is spreading like a cancer through our entire population. . . young and old, female and male alike.
One source of body image pressure that most of us never consider is the pressure that comes from us. That’s right, us. It’s the parental pressure that we put on our kids to look a certain way. It’s spread through our examples, our own personal obsessions, and the comments we make. . . even when we think those comments are benign.
The reality is that in our culture today, we are more concerned about our outward appearance than we are with the inward content of our character or the state of our souls.
Today, our daily one-minute radio spot – “Youth Culture Today” – will get you thinking about one source of body image pressure that sometimes gets to be too much for our girls to handle. Take a minute and listen to today’s “Youth Culture Today” on “Mothers and Body Image Pressure.”