So I received a Facebook message from Aaron Mamuyac, a youth worker living in Florida. Aaron has plugged in to our seminars on teaching kids to think critically and Christianly about music and media. . . about ALL of life in fact. . . at the National Youth Workers Conventions. Aaron says, “The principles you shared with me at the YS conference changed the way I look at youth ministry. Keep up the great work and maybe I’ll see you at the next conference!”
We love it! Thanks Aaron. This is the kind of stuff that we strive for.
Aaron also included a link to one of his video reviews. He’s doing these weekly and posting them online for his youth group. Give it a look. Aaron is taking direct and creative steps to equip his kids to think critically and Christianly about their world. And, if you want to know more about what it is that Aaron is reviewing and challenging his students to be thinking about, give “Time of Our Lives” a look. It might be a stretch for some of you. But remember, your kids are engaging with this stuff without care or concern.
Aaron is such an incredible, God-fearing man. He is such a blessing to the youth and more at Sunlight Community Church.
Watch his videos! I hope youth leaders far and wide use resources like Aaron’s awesome and creative videos to continue shining the light of Christ on the lies of this world.
awesome review and video!
I am very excited to see what you are putting out there for our youth! Challenging them to think and trust GOD!
Rock on wit cho bad self!