The other day, I stumbled on this video featuring the thoughts of Simon Sinek on Millennials in the workplace. It’s gutsy, insightful, and worth pondering. While Sinek and I might not share the same foundational worldview, there’s a good deal of healthy overlap here. That’s why I think this one’s worth your time. Take note of the fact that the interviewer and audience remain largely silent as they engage with Sinek’s compelling commentary.
Youth workers, parents, pastors, teachers. . . all of you. . . give this a look.
Imagine what might happen if Sinek’s observations and recommendations would be infused with the Gospel?
Take a look. Then, tell us all what you think. Is Sinek on to something here? And if so, how should we respond?
Yes, Sinek is spot on. We need to teach our kids in Student Ministries that perseverance is important and short-term gratification is not. Great video!
I teach juniors and seniors at a classical Christian high school, and we are about to begin reading Lewis’ The Four Loves in the Senior Seminar in order to focus upon learning better to love our parents (and become good parents), building true and lasting friendships, entering into romantic love, and selfless love which rightly orders all love (Augustine). Sinek touches upon each of these loves except the latter as important places of both formation and meaning where Millennials are being short changed. It’s highly accurate for the most part, but to find a vocation, or friendship, or marriage of meaning, to keep honoring relationships with parents into their time of old age, takes a transformative love that heals the individualism that has become so rampant since at least the 60s. (See Bowling alone for a good if partial understanding of the rise of the Narcissistic Generation from the roots of the Me Generation). I might show this to my students as it encapsulates some of what we will discuss more deeply, but I hope they can also detect that he speaks from a presupposition that personal happiness is our end; he’s an Epicurean it seems. It is the spirit of the age, still, but with a far more purposeful and insightful understanding of the culture. Thanks for sharing this with us, Walt.