It’s the mantra for life in today’s world. It accurately reflects the spirit of the times. It’s a recipe for disaster, destruction, and death. It’s the advice we give, get, and follow so often in today’s world: “Follow your heart.”
I’m pondering those three dangerous words this morning as I prepare to speak this week on “Youth Culture Trends” at the 2018 National Youth Workers Convention. Nothing could be further from the truth. And perhaps nothing is functionally guiding children, teens, and even adults in today’s world more than this conviction. That’s why I’ll be hitting this trend hard in my “Youth Culture Trends” seminar this week.
My resolve to contrast the vast chasm between following Jesus and following one’s heart was fueled this morning when my youngest son sent me a link to the ad I’ve embedded below. Give it a look. “She deserves to be loved.” Nothing could be more true. But in a world where we follow our emotions, feelings, and selfish inclinations, I suppose the best way to “love” is not to choose to love a life, but to choose to terminate a life.
Lord, what have we become??? Lord, save us from ourselves.