A Prayer For Healthcare Workers on the Frontlines. . .

Thinking tonight about our hospital and healthcare workers. I know many and have watched some up close over the past couple of weeks. They are having to navigate so many challenges. God bless them. Here is a prayer I wrote to pray for them as they are stretched to their limits. . .

Great Physician, we thank you for the wide variety of gifts and abilities you bestow upon your image bearers. As our world navigates the difficult realities of a fast-spreading pandemic, we pray that you would use your image bearers in the health care field as instruments of hope and healing. We pray for those who are on the front lines battling, with their bodies and minds, the Covid-19 virus. Guide the minds and hands of our doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, therapists, administrators, and others as they work together to battle this virus. Give them wisdom as they make decisions, develop treatment plans, and minister to their patients. Give them energy and stamina in the midst of their mentally and physically draining work. Keep their minds sharp, their morale high, and their reserves of compassion fully fueled. Keep discouragement at bay. Give them time to sleep, and when they have time to sleep, give them rest that refreshes and restores. Supply them with the tools they need to provide testing and treatment, and the protective gear they need to shield themselves from this virus. Lord, as you are no respecter of position or persons, may we, like you, remember and value “the least of these” working in our hospitals and healthcare facilities They are all-too-often overlooked and undervalued. For those who do jobs most of us would be happy to avoid, we thank you for their service. They are vital to the proper functioning of our healthcare system. For all involved in this fight, comfort and care for their families as they are vulnerable and absent as a result of their service. Thank you, Lord, for the continued willingness of everyone in the healthcare field to prevent, treat, and fight this pandemic. Great Physician, may they all be instruments in your healing hands. Amen.

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