Over the course of the last couple of weeks my buddy John Perritt has been asking, pushing, and reminding me to listen to a podcast interview he did with Joe Novenson. The tyranny of the urgent that was playing out in my life kept me from responding to John’s tyranny of the urgent for my life. It was an episode of “The Local Youth Worker Podcast”. . . episode #296 to be exact. . . and a conversation John had with Joe Novenson (a 67-year-old pastor) about ministry relationships. Well, I finally got around to listening yesterday. . . and I was not disappointed. Wow. This one really hit me in the depths of my soul. . . and I know it will for you as well. I don’t regret not listening two weeks ago. Rather, I wish I had heard this 40 years ago when I was getting started in youth ministry.
So, no matter how long you’ve been around and pursuing this high calling of youth ministry. . . you need to listen in to this one. . .