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Links to news stories mentioned in the podcast:
Exactly 2 premarital sex partners ups divorce rate
The rise of vegan teenagers
The young people broadcasting their crimes on social media
US Mothers Are Checking Facebook More Often
Teen drinking may damage ability to cope with stress
Other resources and links:
Dr. Diane Langberg bio
Diane Langberg PhD And Associates
Diane Langberg, PhD on Twitter (@DianeLangberg)
Recommended books from Dr. Langberg’s website
Helpful resources from Dr. Langberg’s website
GRACE – Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment
The Use and Misuse of Authority in Christian Leadership – Diane Langberg (Video on YouTube)
Finding Healing and Hope in a Trauma Filled World – Diane Langberg (Video on YouTube)
Narcissism and the Systems It Breeds – Diane Langberg (Video on YouTube)
Suffering and the Heart of God: Our Conversation with Diane Langberg, Ph.D. (an article from byFaith Magazine)
Why Marriage Matters, Third Edition: Twenty-Six Conclusions from the Social Sciences by W. Bradford Wilcox
CPYU Trend Alert: Facebook Depression
Tackling the Tough Stuff Seminar from CPYU
CPYU Parent Page
Books Mentioned:
CPYU Highly recommends the books below be purchased through Hearts & Minds Bookstore.
Order at Hearts & Minds and use the discount code CPYU and you will save 20% on most titles. (Include this code in your order details.)
Suffering and the Heart of God: How Trauma Destroys and Christ Restores by Diane Langberg
Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abus by Diane Mandt Langberg, PH.D
On the Threshold of Hope: Opening the Door to Healing for Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Diane Mandt Langberg, PH.D. (workbook also available)
Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging by Sebastian Junger
Questions, comments, feedback, suggestions for future episodes? E-mail us!