We’ve got a technology issue here at CPYU. . . and we need your help.
Three years ago, the IT company we use to keep us up and running informed us that our server was running on its last legs. Due to financial issues, we’ve been unable to replace the server. We’re grateful that the server has continued to function long past its life expectancy, but we’ve been warned that the time to replace the server is now. This video captures the inner workings of our weary server. . . .
Just the fact that you’re reading this blog indicates that our connection to you has been facilitated by and through our server. The fact is that everything we do here at our CPYU office and everything we do to stay connected with you (weekly e-Update, Youth Culture Today, cpyu.org, etc.) so that you can stay connected with kids goes through our server. We’ve decided that in order to avert a disaster, we would like to send “Old Rusty” out to pasture this summer.
We’ve asked our IT company to spec a new server that would allow us to continue to deliver our content to you with even greater efficiency. To make the transition, we are contacting our small army of CPYU friends and followers to ask you each to prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible donation during the month of June so that we can complete the server upgrade before the end of the summer.
Our goal is to raise $15,000 towards computer/server upgrades and the related transition costs. Any donations over and above the cost of the server will go to replace our presentation laptops (Anyone who’s been at one of my seminars and has seen my antique laptop. . . well. . . you know why!). Perhaps you would consider sending us just a few dollars. Or, you might be the person who could fund the entire upgrade. Every gift, no matter how small or large, counts.
Please donate online today and choose the designation titled “Server/Technology Upgrade.”
Thanks for considering how you can help us continue to help you. I trust that through our partnership together, God is doing great things in the lives of kids.