Technology is amazing. The older I get, the more amazing it is. Technology can also be really, really good. I find it to be good when it improves our lives and gives us deeper tastes of what it means to live within the Kingdom of God. Technology can also be really, really dangerous. It’s dangerous when it breaks us down and advances the Kingdoms of the world, the flesh, and the devil. The latter usually happens without us knowing it. . . and when we do find out, the damage has already been done.
Because our first love here at CPYU is our God, we endeavor with great passion and commitment to equip our other loves (parents, youth workers, pastors, educators, etc.) to train and raise up a generation of young people who passionately pursue integrated lives. In other words, we want to see young people integrate their faith into every nook and cranny of their lives. . . including their use of technology.
The Digital Frontier is expanding and unfolding at breakneck speed before our very eyes. We’ve got a small window within which to invite students into God-honoring use of all the technologies and digital tools that are going to be a part of their lives both now and for the years to come. Maybe what we’re talking about here is “Digital Discipleship.”
Last Friday night, we launched a brand new website here at CPYU. . . It’s the home for our new Digital Kids Initiative. I want to invite you to give it a quick look. Thanks to a generous seed grant from DAS, our Digital Kids Initiative now has an online home that full of all kinds of resources, news, links, media, seminar descriptions, and downloadable handouts. It’s all free!
Will you do us a favor? Check it out. Tell us what you think. And, spread the word.