This morning, someone connected me with an interesting visual blog entry from the folks at Covenant Eyes, an organization committed to helping us understand and deal with the personal and corporate scourge of pornography. The blog is about “10 Surprising Pornography Stats.”

If you are a parent or youth worker, I want to encourage you to not only take a minute to read and ponder these “10 Surprising Pornography Stats,” but I want you to snoop around a bit on the Covenant Eyes website as there are loads of helpful resources that I’m sure you can utilize.

In addition, I want to point you to our Digital Kids Initiative here at CPYU. While we’re looking at a variety of issues related to kids and emerging technologies, you will find the information on pornography particularly helpful. We’ve put together a handout (free pdf download) that you can pass on to parents. It’s called “A Parents’ Primer on Internet Pornography.”

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