I’m on my way home from three days spent with some amazing people in Canada. . . the full-time staff at Muskoka Woods Sports Resort. They gathered for their annual staff retreat and long-range planning. I was there to reflect with them on changes in today’s youth culture and how to best fulfill their mission in the midst of these changes.
Not surprisingly, one of the most-talked-about issues was social media. The sudden pervasiveness has brought sudden changes that require sudden and immediate responses. We are making an effort to provide information and resources on kids and social media over at our CPYU Digital Kids Initiative.
One of the safety issues is that of privacy. We need to equip our kids to guard their online experience. . . and we need to monitor that experience to be sure that they are engaging in online social interactions wisely. I ran across the infographic you see below earlier today and thought I would pass it on. It’s an infographic that communicates the need for boundaries. Pass it on to the parents and youth workers you know.