A timely prayer to pray for ourselves, our communities, our churches, our nation, and our world. . . and it’s the prayer that Os Guinness shares at the end of his book, Renaissance. . . .
“O God, restore us, and cause your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved. O God of life and power, at whose voice our universe sprang into being, and through whose power even death could not hold Jesus down, we worship you as the victor over death, the healer of disease, the reverser of decline and the reformer of corruption. Hear our prayer. Have mercy on our sorry state. Do not leave us to the consequences of our choices, but by your grace forgive our sins, visit us again in our helplessness, and bring to us a new springtime of truth, justice, freedom and peace for our world – not for our sake, O Lord, but for the honor and glory of your matchless name throughout the earth. In the name of Jesus, Amen.”