Teen Suicide. . . A Helpful Infographic. . .

A recent cluster of teen suicides in Palo Alto, California has brought what continues to be a disturbing and alarming trend front and center for those love and care about kids. The developmental and situational pressures that are part of growing up in today’s world can be overwhelming. Social media, bullying, pushy parents, pressures for grades, and mental health issues are just a few of the realities that combine in the lives of so many kids to create a perfect storm, which when leading kids to feel like a lonely island, leave them incredibly vulnerable.

Today, I want to pass on a helpful infographic from the folks at Teen Help (see below). In addition, I want to point parents, youth workers, and others who care about kids to some very helpful resources that sit at arm’s length in your library. Here are my recommended books. . .

A Parent’s Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis, by Rich Van Pelt and Jim Hancock

Help, My Kids Are Hurting, by Marv Penner

Preventing Suicide, by Karen Mason

The Youthworker’s Guide To Helping Teenagers in Crisis, by Rich Van Pelt and Jim Hancock

When Life Goes Dark: Finding Hope in the Midst of Depression, by Richard Winter


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