I’ve never met a parent who says, “I want my child to grow up to abuse drugs.” There are, however, many twisted individuals making millions of dollars off of their pursuit of the desire to promote addiction. And for too many kids, a variety of cultural, situational, developmental, and personal realities combine to lead to decisions that change lives in a multitude of ways.
We love our kids and desire that they flourish according to God’s intent for their lives and their world. That’s why as parents and youth workers we pray and work hard to steer kids away from these life-sapping decisions.
One weapon in our quest is knowledge of the realities related to teen drug abuse. And for over four decades now, the Monitoring The Future Study has been a primary and reliable source for data on teen drug trends. Last month, the latest annual data was released. As a quick introduction to the latest on teen drug use trends, here’s a helpful infographic to browse, and then distribute among those who care for kids. . .