Weekend Words For Beat-Up Youth Workers. . .

Over the years I’ve learned that it’s a good thing when God brings us to the end of ourselves. I don’t like it when it’s happening. But it’s necessary and refining. It’s also a clear sign that God loves me so much that He’s willing to knock me out of the way when I am the one responsible for tripping myself up so much that my faltering is getting in the way of my growth into His image.

Yesterday I read this provocative bit of ministry advice from Jack Miller in his book “The Heart Of A Servant Leader” . . . “God’s work begins when ours come to its end. Sometimes His presence is not felt with power through our methods however useful they may be, especially when we are confident we have the right approach and insights. God has a way of wanting to be God and refusing to get too involved where we have our own wisdom and strength. Then when we run out of wisdom and strength, He is suddenly present. . . I think He wants our confidence to be exclusively in Him, and when we lose our self-confidence then He moves in to show what He can do.”

Youth workers. . . mull it over this weekend. . . especially if you’re feeling a bit defeated. What might be happening could be exactly the opposite of what you think is happening. And. . . that’s a good thing.

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