You can’t effectively address a danger until you see and understand the danger. For the follower of Jesus Christ, Paul’s words in I Corinthians 6:18 offer a warning about the great danger of “sexual immorality”, along with a very blunt four word instruction: “Flee from sexual immorality.” The great challenge for all of us living in today’s world. . . especially our vulnerable children and teens. . . is that the cultural narrative sends us in the opposite direction. In fact, what God labels as “sexual immorality” is now celebrated as sought after as something virtuous.
In an effort to equip parent and youth workers to help guide children and teens into celebrating God-honoring healthy sexuality, we’ve put together a Free download, A Parent’s Primer On Internet Pornography, which will help you understand and address this growing influence that undermines and shipwrecks human flourishing in so many ways.
And, in cased you missed it this past week, we addressed the issue of kids and pornography on our daily 1-minute Youth Culture Today podcast. Because we desire to help you see, understand, and address the growing influence of pornography on our kids, I invite you to take just 5-minutes (1-minute each) to listen to the Youth Culture Today episodes from this past week that I’ve embedded below.