Request For Urgent and Continued Prayer. . . .

Yesterday I received word from a doctoral classmate at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary that our dear friend and our program mentor, Dr. Gary Parrett, was critically injured in a bus accident in South Korea. The accident claimed 12 lives. One of the fatalities was Gary’s friend Kenny Yee, pastor of Highrock Covenant Church in Arlington, MA and a GCTS alumnus.

The AP ran this video story on the crash:

In addition, the AP ran this article on the crash.

Gary’s wife and daughter are currently en route to Korea to be with Gary, who as far as I know at this point, is still unconscious. Gary’s injuries are extensive and severe, yet his condition is stable. Initial word is that Gary may be looking at several months of rehab in Korea until he is able to return home. Gary’s daughter Alisa will be keeping us all posted on Gary’s situation, prognosis, and progress at this website.

I hope you don’t mind that I am taking advantage of my large network of ministry friends and the ability to communicate widely through the Internet as a way to solicit intercession on Gary’s behalf. Please keep Gary, his wife,and his daughter in your prayers, both now and in the months to come.

So many of us are appreciative of Gary and His heart for Christ and His Kingdom. We are grateful too, for Gary’s work on behalf of the church, both at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and through his writings, including his two recently released books Teaching the Faith – Forming the Faithful written with Steven Kang, and Grounded in the Gospel co-authored with J.I. Packer.

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