Deconstructing Faith and Abraham Piper
Last April, I encountered an unfolding story that made my heart ache. Abraham Piper, the thirty-nine year-old son of writer and preacher John Piper, was building his TikTok following by posting an ongoing stream of short videos criticizing Christianity, his…
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The Spiritual Storm of Adolescence
Parents and youth workers should certainly tell the truth and point kids to the truth. But we must also take courage, realizing that when teens question the Christian faith while investigating other faith systems, they may in fact be taking…
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Parents as Agents of Grace
One of the unforgettable lessons I remember hearing from the late Christian writer, Dr. John White, was in response to a question he was asked about how he had learned to relate to his own wayward son. White simply said…
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The Spiritual Storm of Adolescence
Parents and youth workers should certainly tell the truth and point kids to the truth. But we must also take courage, realizing that when teens question the Christian faith while investigating other faith systems, they may in fact be taking…
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Episode 112: “A Look Back at Episode 29 with Scotty Smith”
Welcome to Youth Culture Matters, a podcast from the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding. We’re taking a short break from recording new episodes, so for the next few weeks of summer we’ll be highlighting episodes from our archive. Today’s episode is an…
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Barriers to Lasting Faith 4
All this week we’re looking at barriers to lasting faith and the reality that far too many kids are leaving high school, home, and church, then heading off to college and walking away from their faith. Pastor Jon Nielson believes…
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Advice for Struggling Parents
I know several parents who have weathered the storm of rebellious teens to watch their children grow up with a faith that has become their own. In fact, many of them have embraced the storm knowing that in the long…
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