. . . discovering what it means to follow Jesus, seeing my story swept up into his . . .

God's Story artwork

Eat The Goat. . . .

Sunday in Africa. . . . and by the end of the day, Sunday’s will never be the same! We get up early for a ride out of Nairobi and into Kenya’s Rift Valley. This time, however, our group doesn’t…
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Is This Thing Working? . . . .

Outcomes. That’s a word we hear quite a bit in our current culture. People who invest their time and money want to know if those investments will pay dividends in results. . . . or outcomes. I often liken miraculous…
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14-Hour Roller Coaster Ride. . . .

“Rwanda” should be synonymous with “genocide.” I say “should be” because the reality is that it took reading history books for this person who didn’t know to know. The world looked the other way when over a million Tutsi men,…
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Thank You Clarice . . . .

I could have flown out of Africa after one day and been changed by what I had already seen. I was convinced of the need. I was amazed at God’s work. And I was sold on what Compassion is doing…
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As The Head Turns. . . .

That first full day in Africa is one that makes the head spin. The sun comes up in Kigali, Rwanda and I stand on the balcony to take in a view that the darkness had hidden the night before. There…
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What??? No Air???. . . .

Tuesday, May 12. It’s winter time in Rwanda. . . and it’s still hot. So hot that after a day and a half on airplanes we stepped into the nighttime heat at Kigali Airport and I couldn’t wait to get…
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The Scales On My Eyes. . . .

Most of my world travels have been second-hand. I’ve traveled to places through the stories, pictures, and films of those who have been there. Sadly, I don’t think I ever listened too well. . . . consequently, I never really…
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Let my heart be broken. . . .

A couple more hours and we’re on our way. Yesterday in church dozens of people assured us of their prayers. We need them. Yours would be appreciated as well. Quite frankly, there are only three things that I’m sure are…
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What’s going to happen? . . .

I’m anticipating that in two weeks I’m going to be a different person. . . and I’m not sure what it’s all going to look like. In a few days I’m heading to Africa with some close friends in the…
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Off they go. . . .

The invitations are coming. If you’re in youth ministry the invitations you get will most likely result in a lower food bill and a bigger belly. It’s a blessing and a curse! You get to go to all the picnics…
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Integration, Same-Sex Marriage, and White Bikinis. . . .

Perhaps the cultural moment most discussed and argued currently in the media and blogosphere involves a young 21-year-old senior at San Diego Christian College who was raised in an evangelical Christian home. Carrie Prejean is the reigning Miss California USA,…
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